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[wmx] Improvements in background pixmap handling

Joe McMahon - Fri Oct 29 19:54:27 1999

I got wmx to build on my Yellowdog PPC Linux day before yesterday. Much
better than all those other wm's. I have a small patch for the handling of
the background pixmaps. 

Normally, you get just a "couldn't load pixmap" error if the pixmap can't
be loaded. I've made a small change to Border.C that turns on xpm's 
color approximation routines, allowing you to load whatever pixmap you
want, and which adds a bit more diagnostic to the "no can do" message.

<       attrs.valuemask = 0L;
>       attrs.valuemask = XpmCloseness;
>         attrs.closeness = 40000;
<         if (use_dynamic == False
<             && XpmCreatePixmapFromData (wm->display(), wm->root(), background,
<                                        &m_backgroundPixmap, NULL, &attrs)
<           != XpmSuccess) {
<           fprintf(stderr, "wmx: couldn't create background pixmap\n"); 
<           m_backgroundPixmap = None;
>         if (use_dynamic == False) {
>             switch (XpmCreatePixmapFromData (wm->display(), wm->root(), 
>                                              background, &m_backgroundPixmap, 
>                                              NULL, &attrs)) {
>                 case XpmSuccess:
>                     break;
>                 case XpmColorError:
>                     fprintf(stderr, "Wmx: Color error loading pixmap\n");
>                   m_backgroundPixmap = None;
>                     break;
>                 case XpmOpenFailed:
>                     fprintf(stderr, "Wmx: Open failed\n");
>                   m_backgroundPixmap = None;
>                     break;
>                 case XpmFileInvalid:
>                     fprintf(stderr, "Wmx: file invalid\n");
>                   m_backgroundPixmap = None;
>                     break;
>                 case XpmNoMemory:
>                     fprintf(stderr, "Wmx: no memory\n");
>                   m_backgroundPixmap = None;
>                     break;
>                 case XpmColorFailed:
>                     fprintf(stderr, "Wmx: color failed\n");
>                   m_backgroundPixmap = None;
>                     break;
>                 default:
>                     fprintf(stderr, "Wmx: unknown error loading pixmap\n");
>                   m_backgroundPixmap = None;
>                     break;

 --- Joe M.
